Saturday, November 27, 2010

California Livin'

We drove into northern California today. I have lived here before, and this brings back memories. The roads have changed: from narrow mountain roads to four lane highways.

Mobil home villages are everywhere now. The hillsides were cut to make room for developments. We drove into San Francisco. I saw it across the bay. The sun shined on it and it reflected white and gold.
I drove on to Monterrey. I still have family there. Monterrey is a peninsula about 100 miles south of San Francisco. It has clean beaches, restaurants, and shopping. I also walked through Carmel and noticed that is mostly a place for wealthy retired people.
 Before leaving the area I drove to Fremont’s Peak, the highest peak around there. This is where General Fremont won a battle against a Mexican army. This peak overlooks Salinas Valley, which has several oak trees, streams, and fragrant flowers in the spring.

I left Salinas and drove through Fresno and Bakersfield.  Then I went over the pass and into the Mojave Desert. Even at this time of year it is very hot. Charley and I could see the false visions of water puddles on the pavement created by the heat. Charley was always thirsty.

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